Working Remotely, Social Isolation and Access To Support And Communication During Covid-19 Its Influence on Job Performance

DOI: 10.46988/IJIHRM.03.01.2022.004


  • Ali Ahmed Ateeq Ali Faculty of Leadership and Management, University Science Islam Malaysia (USIM)
  • Mohammed Alzoraiki Faculty of administrative & Financial Sciences at Gulf University (GU)
  • Najib Saif Mubarak Al Aghbas Faculty of managerial and financial sciences, University of Saba Region, Yemen


This study investigates the impact of (lack of access to support and communication, social isolation, and working remotely) on job performance, with
a particular focus on Engineering Pte. LTD). Much of the interest in analyzing job performance comes from worry about the consequences (lack of
access to assistance and communication, social isolation, and working remotely) that are thought to result from it. To collect data, a questionnaire is
developed. A total of 226 members of Engineering Pte. LTD. Due to the effects of COVID-19, the researcher extracts data from online surveys as the
safest way to collect data. The study uses non-probability convenience sampling approach to select the sample and SPSS 25, and Smartpls3 processed
the gathered data. The result shows that: all dependent variables impacted the level of job performance of the Staff of Engineering Pte. LTD is very
high; there is a fairly high relationship between in WR->JP has a positive and significant impact on job performance at the level of 0.01 (β = .225, μ =
.244 t=2.336, p= .020) ; there is also positive and significant impact in H2SI -> JP was supported at the level of 0.01 (β = .328, μ = .322 t= 4.325, p=
.000). H3 LSC->JP indicated as the best positively impacted job performance among the three dimensions of dependent variables at the level of
significance of 0.01 (β = 444, μ = .432 t= 6.184, p=000). while ƒ2 = 29% is regarded an exceptional effect size and R2 = 92% considered a good fit to
data. Based on the findings, recommendations are made to raise the degree of enhancing its abilities to move forward practicing a higher level of
productive job performance and increasing satisfaction among its employees.




How to Cite

Ateeq Ali, A. A., Alzoraiki, M., & Al Aghbas, N. S. M. (2022). Working Remotely, Social Isolation and Access To Support And Communication During Covid-19 Its Influence on Job Performance: DOI: 10.46988/IJIHRM.03.01.2022.004. International Journal of Intellectual Human Resource Management (IJIHRM), 3(01), 23-33. Retrieved from