A Critical Review of Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Human Resource Management

DOI: 10.46988/ IJIHRM.04.02.2023.003


  • Ranyia Ali College of Information Technology; University of Bahrain
  • Ali Ateeq Administrative Science Department, College of Administrative and Financial Science, Gulf University, Sanad 26489, Kingdom of Bahrain
  • Zuhair Al Ani Chief Operation Officer, College of Engineering, Gulf University, Sanad 26489, Kingdom of Bahrain
  • Shafeeq Ahmed Ali Administrative Science Department, College of Administrative and Financial Science, Gulf University, Sanad 26489, Kingdom of Bahrain


Human Resource Management (HRM), Technology Integration, Globalization Impact, Remote Work, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Organizational Resilience


Human Resource Management (HRM) has evolved from an administrative role to a strategic partner in business goals. Cultural, technological, and economic shifts have driven this trend. This academic paper examines current HRM trends and challenges to emphasize their relevance.HR analytics and AI have transformed human resource management (HRM) by enabling evidence-based decision-making, improving recruitment, and increasing employee engagement. This shift allows Human Resource Management (HRM) to align human efforts with corporate objectives, moving from an administrative role to a strategic partner in organizational decision-making.

Globalization requires Human Resource Management to manage diverse and cross-cultural workforces. Current talent acquisition, communication facilitation, and dispute resolution need cultural awareness, emphasizing the importance of global capabilities for HR professionals.
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated remote work, requiring HRM practices to adjust quickly. HR experts have adjusted recruitment, onboarding, virtual team collaboration, and mental health aid. These adjustments demonstrate the relevance of HRM in crisis management, corporate resilience, and employee well-being.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) have become increasingly significant, with HRM promoting diversity and inclusivity. Human Resource Management (HRM) promotes justice and inclusion across the employee lifecycle, from recruitment through career advancement.
In conclusion, HRM's dynamic interaction with technology, globalization, remote work, and DEI efforts shows its strategic importance in managing complexity and seizing opportunities. Organizations must adapt their HRM methods to modern trends to ensure long-term profitability in a rapidly changing global economy.




How to Cite

Ali, R., Ateeq, A., Al Ani, Z., & Al Samarai, S. A. A. (2023). A Critical Review of Contemporary Trends and Challenges in Human Resource Management: DOI: 10.46988/ IJIHRM.04.02.2023.003. International Journal of Intellectual Human Resource Management (IJIHRM), 4(02), 22-27. Retrieved from https://journals.gulfuniversity.org/index.php/ijihrm/article/view/168