The Jordanian media's handling of the Corona Crisis

DOI: 10.46988/IJMMC.03.02.2021.05


  • Dr. Adnan Saad Alzoubai Assistant Professor at Khwarizmi University Technical College – Amman- Jordan


This research deals with the Jordanian experience of visual, audio, and read media dealing with the corona crisis during the period of 15/3/20/15/3/ 21. And its role in the Jordanian state’s handling of the crisis, and how people expressed their attitudes towards the reality of the crisis, the measures taken, and the role of the various popular and official sectors. This epidemic has swept the world and has affected people's lives not only at the health level but also many public lifestyles of people and at the level of all sectors. Jordan is one of the countries affected by this pandemic, and all sectors reacted to meet this new challenge and took Health, Administrative, Economic and social decisions, including what was acceptable and what faced a great reaction among citizens and therefore its reflection on the media, especially social media. The media played an important role in this crisis, so the study consisted of analyzing the contents of the media about the crisis using the descriptive approach by distributing questionnaires to get an opinion, especially in the field of health awareness, information about the decisions and procedures required, and the role of citizens and institutions. Along with describing the picture of the reality and the level of interaction between citizens and the measures taken.

Keywords: COVID-19; Media; Crises management; Jordan


