Iraqi journalists rely on data journalism as a source of news and information during crises The Corona pandemic crisis (covid 19) as a model

DOI: 10.46988/IJMMC.04.01.2022.006


  • Dr. Khamael Zeidan Khalaf Assistant Professor at Department of Media – College of Arts, Al-Mustansiriya University, Iraq


This research aims to reveal the extent to which Iraqi journalists depend on data journalism as a source of news and information during the Corona pandemic crisis and to know the reasons for accreditation and the most important types of data journalism that journalists depend on during the pandemic, as well as knowing the level of confidence in news and information provided by this new type of media and revealing the most prominent cognitive influences The research took from the theory of dependence on the media a “theoretical” framework and relied on the media survey method through the application of the questionnaire newspaper on a sample of Iraqi journalists working in visual and print media institutions amounted to (150) respondents. Several indicators are:

  1. A large part of Iraqi journalists rely on data journalism as a source of news and information during crises.
  2. The most important reason for Iraqi journalists’ reliance on data journalism as a source of news during the Corona pandemic crisis is its role in shortening the information provided, which facilitates understanding and assimilation for the reader Iraqi journalists trust the information and news provided by data journalism, with their keenness to verify the accuracy of the news and information they provide before publishing.
  3. The most important cognitive effect of Iraqi journalists’ reliance on data journalism during the Corona pandemic crisis is obtaining accurate data about the pandemic. The most important emotional effects were grief for the injured and the dead as a result of the Corona pandemic in the first place. As for the most prominent behavioral effects, it provided an opportunity to discuss the developments of the virus with parents and friends.
  4. The most important types of data journalism that Iraqi journalists rely on during crises are numbers and infographic journalism.


