Artificial intelligence journalism in newsrooms in press institutions and its role in developing the journalistic work environment

DOI: 10.46988/IJMMC.03.02.2021.06


  • Dr. Aliaa Abdelfattah Ramadan Professor in mass communication and journalism- Tanta University- Egypt


This study revolved around artificial intelligence journalism within newsrooms in press institutions and its role in developing the journalistic work environment. The study also found that the biggest threat to artificial intelligence to journalism is the possibility of many journalists losing their jobs, which made journalists fear their job instability in light of artificial intelligence journalism. In addition, it has some obstacles that it cannot interact with readers; enough, and that AI journalism still needs significant development in order to be able to express the depth, richness, and complexity that characterizes human intelligence.

Keywords: artificial intelligence journalism, Newsrooms, Development of the journalistic work environment.


