Digital platforms for formal and informal institutions and the management of social issues in the Arabian Gulf Organizational communication in academic institutions in higher education A comparative study between a sample of Sudanese universities

DOI: 10.46988/IJMMC.03.02.2021.04


  • Dr. Ikhlas Mustafa Omar Ieltinay Associate Professor-Dean of Arts and Social Sciences College, Aldar University College, UAE


This study, "The effect of researchers in the Kingdom of Bahrain's use of digital publishing in enhancing the level of scientific production," comes to highlight the role of electronic publishing via the Internet in enriching and increasing the scientific output of academics in Bahraini private universities. The study aims to monitor the size, obstacles, and motives of academics' use of electronic publishing on the Internet and ways to employ them to benefit from studies and scientific references to enrich scientific output, given that the Internet has become one of the most important diverse and fast sources and contains a huge amount of information that is easily accessed without complications or administrative or financial instruments.

The study used a questionnaire form as a tool to collect study data, and the analysis was applied to a sample of 252 faculty members working in Bahraini private universities.

The study followed the descriptive approach that is appropriate to the nature of this study, which is concerned with investigating opinions about motives and uses.

The study found a set of results, the most important of which is the validity of the hypothesis that there is a positive statistically significant correlation between the use of academics in Bahraini private universities for electronic publishing on the Internet and their scientific production. The more academics in Bahraini private universities use electronic publishing on the Internet, the higher their level of scientific output. The study also revealed a statistically significant correlation between the use of academics in Bahraini private universities to publish online on the Internet and years of experience. The study showed that 81% of the elderly use the Internet continuously, and 74.2% have high skills in using research techniques. The study also demonstrated the interest of Bahraini private universities in spreading the culture of electronic publishing among the teaching staff. Finally, the study confirmed that one of the most important problems facing academics in using electronic publishing on the Internet is the lack of free access to some scientific sites poor English language proficiency.

Keywords: Digital platforms; Arabian Gulf; higher education; Organizational communication.


