Audience Reliance on Satellite Channels to Listen and Promote jokes Field study in Baghdad 2017

DOI: 10.46988/IJMMC.02.02.2020.04


  • Dr. Raad Jassim Al Kaabi College of Mass Communication- University of Baghdad


Humorous expressions in the societal, cultural repository represent one of the basics of understanding human societies. On the one hand, it can be considered an honest mirror of the values, beliefs, practices, and behaviors it carries. On the other hand, it reveals to us, directly or indirectly, the hidden aspects of society, and jokes are a humorous form transmitted by individuals. In societies by different means, including what is written, what is shared by the media, especially channels, and in public programs, jokes are the main focus of their episodes, which the audience adopts to alleviate their daily troubles and forget their everyday problems. Theoretical, while the third deals with field research procedures.


